Bhutan & Indian National Participant Registration
Step 1: Fill in the form below with the required information and include passport size photo.
Step 2: Wire Registration Fee using the following information:
Name of Bank: Bank of Bhutan Limited, Thimphu, Bhutan
Branch: Thimphu
Swift Code: BHUBBTBT 022
Account No: 20700220286280016
Beneficiary: Bhutan Olympic Committee
National Registration Fee – Marathon: Nu: 1,200
National Registration Fee – Half-Marathon: Nu: 1,000
Alternative Method
If you do not want to send the your information online, download and sign the appropriate forms (National) with the required information, scan and email or fax to:
Kesang Phuntsho Tshering (Mr.)
Bhutan Olympic Committee
Telephone (office): +975 2 322138
Fax (office): +975 2 323937
Required Forms:
Download Registration Form & Waiver – National
You can also pay your entry fee at the BOC office located at Changlingmethang Stadium in Thimphu.
Your entry WILL NOT be confirmed until we receive the full registration payment.
Deadline for online registration is February 20, 2020. Bhutanese Nationals may also register the day before the event at the pre-race briefing and packet pick up in Punakha.
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